


Transcultural Synergy assist businesses involved in cross-border acquisitions, joint ventures or strategic alliances with their post merger integration challenges that arise from the differing organisational and national cultures. Our aim is to maximise human potential in transnational collaboration.


We also assist companies solve cross-cultural challenges in international transfers, expatriation and general mobility issues, as well as in multi-national marketing and business development. Our strengths are working with European & Asian companies seeking better client & staff relations transcending cultural differences.




It is recognised that intercultural management services are highly specialised, and are therefore run by local specialists who are able to cater to local customers. It is not economically feasible to run large international intercultural organisations across the globe, like the big accountancy firms. This is somewhat contradictory, since the nature of intercultural projects, especially in merger and acquisitions, is likely to be international by definition, requiring specialists in different parts of the world, who are both able to cater to the international aspect of the project as well as to the respective local situation


In view of this Transcultural Synergy has taken the view that while it is not economically feasible to hold offices and consultants in different parts of the world, it is possible to work with a network of alliances, who exist locally in their own right, but who also are able to work collectively with others in different parts of the world on specific projects. Transcultural Synergy is working on a framework that will allow this. This makes it economically feasible, but for the client it ensures that a project is centrally managed but can cater to local needs.


Together with our alliances of select providers of intercultural training and consultancy services in different parts of the world Transcultural Synergy support following services below:



Transcultural Synergy is in the business of helping corporate clients achieve creative solutions to their international or cross-border business challenges. This is a highly interdisciplinary and multi-cultural field. We are less concerned with logistics, legislative, financial, technological or mechanistic aspects of international business, but rather our expertise and focus is in the people aspect, that is either internally in a firm's staff and management (human resources) or externally in its customers (sales and marketing, CRM).


We help clients identify problems and co-design interculturally compatible solutions to these international challenges, where there is human interaction at any level involving several different business practices due to diverse national cultures. The solutions can be in the form of consulting, advice, coaching, counselling, training and development, manuals, research, cultural audits, recruitment, organisational structure, strategy or international business planning.  

Through our network of associated partners we can offer a range of services all aimed at assisting clients find solutions to their cross-border challenges:


      -  Intercultural  Team-building

     -  Cross-cultural  Conflict  Resolution / Prevention

     -  Partnerships / Joint-Venture  Relationship  Management

     -  Transcultural  Negotiations  &  Meetings

     -  Multicultural  Decision-making  Processes

     -  Eastern  &  Western  Business  Styles / Values

     -  Multicultural  Strategy  Planning

     -  Technology  Transfer  Management

     -  Managing  across  Cultures

-      Overseas  Operations  Turnarounds

-      Core work processes across cultures

     -  Relocation  Pre-departure  Training

     -  Leadership  skills  for  International  Business

     -  International multi-directional  Knowledge  Management

     -  Corporate  Culture  across  Cultures

     -  International  Job  Rotations  &  Assignments

-      Culture  Shock  Management  Counselling

-      Personnel selection for international assignments

-      Effective global virtual working (teams)

-      Cross-company global competencies development

     -  General  Cross-cultural  Awareness  Training





Depending on the assignment, consultancy work may typically involve a ‘Cultural Audit’ followed by recommendations and implementation through training and counselling, all the time working closely with the client as a team. Training and experiential learning workshops are interactive, involving role-play and simulations in order for participants to ‘experience’ and ‘understand’ the cultural dimensions, raising awareness and consolidating cross-cultural skills. 


Consulting and training projects are designed with the client to required specifications.  All consulting and training projects are custom-designed with clear objectives to suit clients’ specific needs based on in-depth research (Cultural Audit) of industry, company, key players and corporate culture.


Integral in developing intercultural skills is also initiating action-oriented processes so that clients can manage the learning process in-house, and most importantly create the conditions for a global learning organisation with effective knowledge management across cultures.


Integral in developing intercultural skills is also initiating a action-oriented processes so that clients can manage the learning process in-house.

For a free, no obligation initial consultation on your intercultural management needs please contact us.


Workshop  Styles


Transcultural Synergy  can offer workshops which are designed to particular objectives, taking into account:


¨     specific client needs and project  (strategic context)

¨     overall training objectives  (expatriation, diversity management, …)

¨     participants’ profiles (adaptability, interviews, job functions)

¨     client corporate culture  (global context)

¨     target  countries / cultures involved


    Generally workshops tend to focus on ‘deep culture’, i.e. on cultural issues beyond surface artefacts.  ‘Surface culture’ is concerned with behaviour, do’s and don’ts, etiquette, understanding of history, geography and economic make-up, simple explanations and anecdotes, often information available in books or cultural briefing courses, i.e. information about culture.  ‘Deep culture’ looks below the tip of the iceberg at what is more latent, what is less obvious and more difficult to articulate, and at the skills needed when dealing with diverse cultures.  This may include beliefs, values, shared world views, rituals, principles of expression, interaction rules, communication styles, dealing with dilemmas, business practices, and modes of perception, hence issues which are less easy to formulate in a quantifiable body of knowledge and which require actual experience for a full understanding.


Consequently workshops are not briefings or lectures about culture, but rather intensive experiential activities fully involving participants in order to create conditions for them to experience, and hence understand at a deeper level, different cultural dimensions, and to facilitate their learning in finding solutions to difficult situations.  Workshop leaders or trainers are not lecturers or bodies of wisdom, but rather mentors, counsellors, coaches or facilitators who help participants in their own exploration and learning.  This involves team building and group work with debriefing discussions.   Sample activities in culture-generic workshops may include:


v  Perception:  Exercises to demonstrate relationship between perception and values


v  Value Orientations:  A study of one’s and others’ (other cultures’) value systems.


v  Observation:  Observation skills as distinct from evaluation


v  Critical Incidents: Discussion on expected reaction of diverse cultures in mini scenarios


v  Models:  Intellectual (European) and sensory (American) models in understanding cultural differences (Europe: 5-D, 7-D, US: left & right, audio-tactile & visual etc.).


v  Simulations:  Role-acting simulations centred around business decision-making and negotiation styles to facilitate understanding of differences and work out possible solutions.  Time-consuming but most effective in facilitating deeper understanding.


v  Conflict Resolution:  ways to mediate conflicts from intercultural point of view


v  Communication:  Rules and roles, messages & media, hot & cool, analogue & digital


v  Organisations:  organising principles – O-type and M-type structures, ‘glocal mesh’ issues


v  Process Consulting in small groups, small group discussions.


v  Team-building activities, situation-specific case studies, and action research tasks


v  Some training programmes (e.g. general cross-cultural awareness) may also be offered as standard in-house modules.




© Transcultural Synergy

Fax:  +44 (0)70 9237 0950

Tel:  +44 (0)20 8755 5824

