Intercultural Projects



Intercultural  Consulting  Projects


o    Successful project management, (2-year project) specialised consulting and training of 200 Japanese technical & plant experts for a major Technology Transfer project (Japanese manufacturing know-how and management principles) to a new automobile plant in Canada - see GM-Suzuki Case Study


o    After participation in major Strategy Review developed framework and assisted conversion of management systems to global matrix structure and instigated major management reorganisation and global process accordingly. This involved substantial coaching, as well adaptation of the matrix structure due to its alien nature in certain cultures.


o    Led international cross-departmental project team tasked to diagnose delivery challenges and assess remedial measures to prevent error recurrence. Had to encourage a shift from fire-fighting mentality to pro-active preventative system. The team identified numerous issues, which lead to a re-organisation of workflow and modifications in use of IT (ERP, push to pull, …). Due to different cultural expections this involved a large amount of cross-border negotiations with different people and different approaches


o    Long-term support in numerous projects at multinational steel and construction equipment manufacturer Head Office and most of its plants throughout Japan:  Intercultural consulting and programme development individually designed to particular plant and office circumstances


o    Co-ordinated documentation of production operation manuals for transplant. Hands-on use of Japanese lean process & cost reduction tools: TQC, Kaizen, JIT, Kanban, Levelling, Muda…, with a view of making these cross-culturally compatible


o    Developed strategy and implemented major Technology and Management Transfer of whole company operation, from marketing, sales, financial management, design, production and technology from U.K. operation to joint venture in Japan, as the central office for Asia-Pacific. Drove forward major technical support initiative for distributors throughout Asia-Pacific to improve customer support expertise & service and boost distributor / sales engineer motivation.


o    Elicited and developed transnational Vision and Values module for major multi-national acquisition through interviews, customer research and focus groups across the globe


o    Designed cross-cultural innovation platform for major French UK aerospace joint venture


o    Subcontracted for cross-cultural expertise in major post-merger rescue operation with major consultancy with focus on HR systems alignment for French-Norwegian acquisition with global operations in oil shipping industry.



o    Consulting and development of training manuals for overseas technology transfer



o    Curriculum design for specialised technical and negotiation courses



o   Intercultural process counselling with new president-designate as part of company’s drive towards internationalisation, later implemented as president



o    Development and delivery of a number of intensive intercultural workshops for international executives from a variety of departments


o    Consulted corporations in establishing creative solutions to their international or cross-border business challenges, especially human issues (staff and customers)



o    Ongoing consulting to licensing group for negotiations of international license agreements with global pharmaceutical companies.  This included action research tasks (based on videos taken of actual negotiations)



o    Ongoing workshops in comparative law for LLM preparation for Legal Dept



o    Designed workshops focusing on intercultural communications leading to understanding of ‘Common Law’ (involving problem-solving industrial action role-plays and case studies) for managers transferring to U.K. operations for big Japanese car manufacturer. Briefed and trained company in-house trainers to deliver the workshops.



o    Designed and delivered intercultural workshop for establishment and development of strong supplier partnership relations for the new Yorkshire plant to extended purchasing team transferring to UK


o    Miscellaneous intercultural consulting projects to Personnel Department.


o    Developed & delivered preparatory intercultural programme which adapted & integrated company’s own “Customs and Customers - The Cultural Synergy Challenge” programme (an international job rotation scheme to develop into a synergetic transnational company) for Japanese researchers and design engineers transferring to various locations in Europe as part of this international exchange


o    Consulting on selection process for Japanese bank high-flyers to be sent on 2-year MBA courses in U.S.A./Europe, incl. counselling on choice of school


o    Coaching in “Western logic” to enable above participants to score well on GMAT tests, especially verbal reasoning


o    Action Research improvement programme on US interviewing techniques


o    Enabled enhancement of client relations management (B2B) and brand perception in Japan & Asia through numerous key account visits, with a focus on listening to client needs and issues, through coaching, mentoring and facilitation (from needs analysis and curriculum design to execution and quality control), with emphasis on learner strategies


o    Ongoing consulting to International Department striving to clarify Japan’s insurance position world-wide


o    Co-developed with Japanese etiquette specialist workshop in Western manners and customs for business social events delivered as part of Management Association's international business awareness seminars


o    Consultancy work (long-term planning) for international personnel in Tokyo on international succession planning, multi-cultural management development and cross-functional, global job rotations


o    On-site consulting and training development to facilitate integration of five insurance group companies’ diverse corporate cultures (team-building, conflict resolution), and to allow integration with US & other Asian operations


Past Clients

·       Suzuki Motors ·       Kobe Steel
·       Yamanouchi Pharmaceuticals ·       Pioneer Electronics
·       Sanwa Bank ·       Harley Street Cosmetics
·       Toyota Motors ·       A.I.G. (American Insurance Group)
·       Siemens-Asahi ·       Hilton Hotels
·       Ebara ·       Nabco
·       Tokio Marine ·       Management Association of Japan
·       Novartis (Ciba-Geigy) ·       Canadian Auto-Motive Industries (G.M.)
·       Union Bank of Switzerland ·       Management & Communications Consultants
·       Management Association of Japan ·       Honda
·       Marine & Fire Insurance Association of Japan ·       Piaget Knight Consulting
·       McKechnie ·       Matras
·       Funai Electronics ·       Mitsubishi
·       Hitachi ·       Fast Foods
·       NYK Lines ·       Stolt Offshore
·       Dzus Fastener Europe ·       Trigear Aerospace
·       NEC ·       Fuji-Xerox
·       JetPic ·       Japan Drive It
·       APTF (Australian Photobiology Testing Facility)  





© Transcultural Synergy Fax:  +44 (0)70 9237 0950 Tel:  +44 (0)870 383 4655